Hiking Adventures in Appenzellerland: Sämtisersee to Saxer Lücke

Hiking Adventures in Appenzellerland: Sämtisersee to Saxer Lücke 1I hope you all had a great rest and are ready to follow me on today’s hike. Before we start, I want to dedicate this hike and blog to my beloved grandmother, whose name translates to “bright jade.” I wore my bright jade ring throughout this trip, and I wish she could have seen everything that I saw.

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Hiking Adventures in Appenzellerland: Sämtisersee to Saxer Lücke 9Unfortunately, because of what happened with my grandmother, I didn’t have the energy to follow our original plan, which was marked in green as a dashed line. Instead, we are going to alter the journey slightly, starting again from Appenzell and taking the train to Weissbad. Unlike our previous trip, this time we will take bus 192 (right next to the train station) and head to Brülisau. After we arrive, we won’t follow most of the crowd taking the cable car up to Hoher Kasten, since we are doing a sole hiking trip today.

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Following the narrow road, we will find everything flat and easy at first, but once we hit the forested mountain, the slope will become 20 to 40 degrees. On the map, you might think there’s a river next to the path, but it’s merely a narrow stream.

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I have to say, this will be the most torturous hour of the hike – aside from exhaustion, we’ll only see slopes, trees, and stones. But once we emerge from the forest, the view will widen and become much more enjoyable!

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I guess you’re a bit tired and thirsty like me, so why don’t we stop by Plattenbödeli, a Hütte, to have a refreshing drink? If you are not in the mood for beer, you can try a cool local herbal drink like I did and enjoy the mountain views from here.

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Following the path down, we will soon find the lake, Sämtisersee, on our left side. I recommend taking photos a bit further along the path, as the lake will appear even more beautiful from a distance. Let’s take the path on the left that appears in the photo since it’s the fastest way to get to the next Hütte for a nice lunch.

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We are definitely going to encounter some more cows along the way. If you don’t bother them, they most likely won’t bother you.

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As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to look back at Sämtisersee and Hoher Kasten – the view could really make a beautiful painting.

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For the next hour, we are going to hike on a gentle slope. While doing so, you might think there is nothing much to see nearby. Let me invite you to look further to the right, across the meadows of those higher mountains – you will find isolated little houses up there. On the left side, further away, the rocky cliffs will catch your eye – that’s where we are headed later.

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As we approach Fählensee, we will see the blue-green lake reflecting the mountains beside it. The mountains (Altmann) in the background have glaciers, adding even more color to the scenery. Don’t you just want to carry a blanket there, lie down, and enjoy the moment?

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Since we are all tired, we can have a nice lunch at Berggasthaus Bollenwees. Like most other Hütten (guesthouses), you can also stay overnight if you decide to take a multi-day hiking trip. How about we refill our water bottles at the entrance/exit before we continue? It’s not easy to find drinkable water along the way.

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Right after we leave, we will see a small, broken stone path leading to the mountain, as shown in the picture, and that’s where we are going! Don’t be afraid of the snake-like path heading to the top, just focus on where you step.

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Just half an hour later, you will be able to see how much progress you’ve made! A few minutes after that, we will be able to see Kreuzberge: the rocky mountain top, like a hand pointing at the sky at Saxer Lücke!

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I am running out of strength, but we can climb a little higher to get a better view of this gorgeous mountain! What I love the most is the herbal meadow in the foreground, with the mountain shrouded in fog and clouds, like a veil, reluctant to reveal its face.

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Unfortunately, this time you will have to follow me back down the same way we came up, because my energy has run out. But I promise I will try to return and finish the unfinished business:)

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As we head back toward Sämtisersee, we will face two choices: either retrace our steps or take the upper path to explore something new. Of course, we will choose the road not traveled.

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We are going to pass by a wooden house where you might see cows lined up to get milked. They were so patient when we were there, and I worried if they were in pain. After that, we will walk in the direction of Hoher Kasten.

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As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to look back, because you can always find astonishing views you haven’t seen before.

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As we walk on higher ground, we will see Sämtisersee beneath us. Then, we will step into a pine forest, where it feels like a folklore tale might unfold. You may wonder why we are still climbing when we should be descending and heading back to town. Don’t worry, it’s the right way! We panicked a bit because we weren’t descending, and we almost just ran down from the meadow hill to the lake. But after carefully analyzing different maps, we realized we were on the right path – it was just longer than the map indicated.

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Leaving Sämtisersee behind, we are going to climb again. I hope you still have some strength left. If not, let’s stop at Alp Soll for a bit to have some fresh drinks. If you are lucky, like we were, you might enjoy an Alps horn concert played by the locals!

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Sooner or later, you will see that we actually passed Hoher Kasten, and we are finally descending!

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The village beneath the mountains looks dreamy, but descending is not.

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Since we haven’t descended much before this, the final hill down will feel brutal. We will feel our knees protesting, but we have to carry on – the destination church is just right there! Still, I wish there were a slide to get down more easily:)!

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After about 40 minutes of descent, we will finally be back in Brülisau, where we started.

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From here, we can take the bus, then the train back to Appenzell. If you come down too late, you can also get back to your hotel by calling the local taxi service.

Hiking Adventures in Appenzellerland: Sämtisersee to Saxer Lücke 133I hope you have enjoyed a nice hiking trip with me in Appenzellerland. Compared to Interlaken and Luzern, Appenzell is less touristy and less commercialized, making it a true heaven for hikers wanting to enjoy the natural and untouched landscapes of the Alps. If you are a nature seeker, Appenzell is a place you should not miss!

Hiking Adventures in Appenzellerland: Sämtisersee to Saxer Lücke

I hope you all had a great rest and are ready to follow me on today’s hike. Before we start, I want to dedicate this hike and blog to my beloved grandmother, whose name translates to “bright jade.” I wore my bright jade ring throughout this trip, and I wish she could have seen everything that I saw.

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Unfortunately, because of what happened with my grandmother, I didn’t have the energy to follow our original plan, which was marked in green as a dashed line. Instead, we are going to alter the journey slightly, starting again from Appenzell and taking the train to Weissbad. Unlike our previous trip, this time we will take bus 192 (right next to the train station) and head to Brülisau.

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After we arrive, we won’t follow most of the crowd taking the cable car up to Hoher Kasten, since we are doing a sole hiking trip today.

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Following the narrow road, we will find everything flat and easy at first, but once we hit the forested mountain, the slope will become 20 to 40 degrees. On the map, you might think there’s a river next to the path, but it’s merely a narrow stream.

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I have to say, this will be the most torturous hour of the hike – aside from exhaustion, we’ll only see slopes, trees, and stones. But once we emerge from the forest, the view will widen and become much more enjoyable!

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I guess you’re a bit tired and thirsty like me, so why don’t we stop by Plattenbödeli, a Hütte, to have a refreshing drink? If you are not in the mood for beer, you can try a cool local herbal drink like I did and enjoy the mountain views from here.

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Following the path down, we will soon find the lake, Sämtisersee, on our left side. I recommend taking photos a bit further along the path, as the lake will appear even more beautiful from a distance. Let’s take the path on the left that appears in the photo since it’s the fastest way to get to the next Hütte for a nice lunch.

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We are definitely going to encounter some more cows along the way. If you don’t bother them, they most likely won’t bother you.

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As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to look back at Sämtisersee and Hoher Kasten – the view could really make a beautiful painting.

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For the next hour, we are going to hike on a gentle slope. While doing so, you might think there is nothing much to see nearby. Let me invite you to look further to the right, across the meadows of those higher mountains – you will find isolated little houses up there. On the left side, further away, the rocky cliffs will catch your eye – that’s where we are headed later.

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As we approach Fählensee, we will see the blue-green lake reflecting the mountains beside it. The mountains (Altmann) in the background have glaciers, adding even more color to the scenery. Don’t you just want to carry a blanket there, lie down, and enjoy the moment?

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Since we are all tired, we can have a nice lunch at Berggasthaus Bollenwees. Like most other Hütten (guesthouses), you can also stay overnight if you decide to take a multi-day hiking trip. How about we refill our water bottles at the entrance/exit before we continue? It’s not easy to find drinkable water along the way.

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Right after we leave, we will see a small, broken stone path leading to the mountain, as shown in the picture, and that’s where we are going! Don’t be afraid of the snake-like path heading to the top, just focus on where you step.

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Just half an hour later, you will be able to see how much progress you’ve made! A few minutes after that, we will be able to see Kreuzberge: the rocky mountain top, like a hand pointing at the sky at Saxer Lücke!

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I am running out of strength, but we can climb a little higher to get a better view of this gorgeous mountain! What I love the most is the herbal meadow in the foreground, with the mountain shrouded in fog and clouds, like a veil, reluctant to reveal its face.

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Unfortunately, this time you will have to follow me back down the same way we came up, because my energy has run out. But I promise I will try to return and finish the unfinished business:)

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As we head back toward Sämtisersee, we will face two choices: either retrace our steps or take the upper path to explore something new. Of course, we will choose the road not traveled.

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We are going to pass by a wooden house where you might see cows lined up to get milked. They were so patient when we were there, and I worried if they were in pain. After that, we will walk in the direction of Hoher Kasten.

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As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget to look back, because you can always find astonishing views you haven’t seen before.

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As we walk on higher ground, we will see Sämtisersee beneath us. Then, we will step into a pine forest, where it feels like a folklore tale might unfold. You may wonder why we are still climbing when we should be descending and heading back to town. Don’t worry, it’s the right way! We panicked a bit because we weren’t descending, and we almost just ran down from the meadow hill to the lake. But after carefully analyzing different maps, we realized we were on the right path – it was just longer than the map indicated.

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Leaving Sämtisersee behind, we are going to climb again. I hope you still have some strength left. If not, let’s stop at Alp Soll for a bit to have some fresh drinks. If you are lucky, like we were, you might enjoy an Alps horn concert played by the locals!

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Sooner or later, you will see that we actually passed Hoher Kasten, and we are finally descending!

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The village beneath the mountains looks dreamy, but descending is not.

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Since we haven’t descended much before this, the final hill down will feel brutal. We will feel our knees protesting, but we have to carry on – the destination church is just right there! Still, I wish there were a slide to get down more easily:)!

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After about 40 minutes of descent, we will finally be back in Brülisau, where we started.

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From here, we can take the bus, then the train back to Appenzell. If you come down too late, you can also get back to your hotel by calling the local taxi service.

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I hope you have enjoyed a nice hiking trip with me in Appenzellerland. Compared to Interlaken and Luzern, Appenzell is less touristy and less commercialized, making it a true heaven for hikers wanting to enjoy the natural and untouched landscapes of the Alps. If you are a nature seeker, Appenzell is a place you should not miss!