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Digital Dreamweaver

Global Explorer 


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Vincent Zou is a marketing strategist with a global perspective, shaped by experiences in China, Europe and the United States. 

As a graduate of Global Luxury and International Business, Vincent has refined his expertise through consulting projects with industry leaders like Dior, Hegid, and Société des Bains de Mer de Monaco. His work has spanned innovative marketing strategies, product development, and customer journey redesign. 

Vincent has passion for Psychology and Marketing, and he approaches brand development as a comprehensive process – from awareness to conversion. As a person from the LGBT community with an INFJ-T personality, Vincent is a caring leader, bringing a unique blend of empathy and analytical skills to the table. 

For a deeper dive into Vincent’s portfolio and stories, click here.

About Me


Vincent Zou is a marketing strategist with a global perspective, shaped by experiences in China, Europe and the United States.

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